Thursday, September 25, 2008

Susan -- The quest for internet

Yesterday was a bit of a terror.

I got in at 3:30 am, and from there had a time of finding a bed, getting four hours sleep after much travel, and well... gr.

I had more written. Let's just say that life brightened when Beth walked in. You see, the nice people at accomodation (where I started) told her where to go and what to did... they did not tell me. How awkward. I was running around like a chicken with her head lopped off let me tell you! So not cool. But things worked out.

We went to a Scottish dance thing that they put on and I was introduced to Strongbow, which yes they have at home, but I've never had before, thinking it's beer. Well it does taste suspiciously like beer... As if they're trying to convince me to eventually like the stuff. As if! I tried dancing and pulled this very shy but interested looking guy from Idaho off the wall in order to do so. We were amused by the general chaos of things.

He was kinda off putting though, so I abandoned him after a while. I feel good about myself though because he found people to hang out with after that. You know, after I literally threw him into the thick of things. Then it was off for another drink. Found a girl doing museum studies--through absolute coincidence this seems to be what everyone I've met is doing. Everyone seems to think that because I'm Canadian I should be studying law... strange.

So, Beth and I found another wall flower since, unfortunately, everyone had found groups on the first day that we'd not been privvy to. She was nice, but I don't know how she's going to make it through an entire year at leicester... poor dear. Socially not so great. But through her we met some very entertaining Chinese students who took me as somewhat a novelty.

Before I'd met up with Beth I'd met a Brazillian and an Indian girl who were both super nice.

I've already been told how cute my accent is... LOL.

Oh, and I learned that booze goes straight through me when I'm powering away on no sleep. Erk.

Booze is relatively cheaper here.

Oh, and last random piece of information: they're haveing some cultural, meet the mayor, thing tonight. They want us in cultural dress... wtf is that for Canada? I've decided that I'll be wearing my chinese accessories all day today. That should do it...


Alex said...

Clearly I am going to pretend to be a law major from McGill scouting out good universities to learn of a legal system almost identical to our own. OR maybe I can pretend to be a guest prof from Canada who is banging the young Canadian women who come here for they are superior to the ones who stay in Canada?

I thought too much on that.

Wear a maple leaf tree.

OR an assortment of things from different cultures! be as tacky as you can! You'll leave a lasting impression!

The mayor of Leicester is a lameeeee! Labour=stupid.

Doc said...
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Suzie said...

She's not lame. Also, you are a strange boy *funny look* I don't wanna know what you were thinking about or why.