Monday, October 27, 2008

The End of the Asterisk

Alright so I figured it best to do a small schedule for various people on here before I conclude the last two weeks of my trip.

These dates are subject to change.

Tuesday 28: Leicester
Wednesday 29: Leicester -> London
Thursday 30: London -> Liverpool
Friday 31: Liverpool -> Manchester
Saturday 1: Manchester -> Sheffield
Sunday 2: Sheffield -> Leicester
Monday 3: Leicester
Tuesday 4: Leicester -> Bath
Wednesday 5: Bath -> Cardiff -> Bath
Thursday 6: Bath
Friday 7: Bath -> Bristol -> Dublin
Saturday 8: Dublin
Sunday 9: Dublin -> Bristol -> Bath -> London
Monday 10: London
Tuesday 11: London
Wednesday 12: London -> Vancouver

I STRESS subject to change. I need a whole day just to contact people and look at hotels! URGH!


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